Do some soul-searching
“Search me, O God, and know my heart;”
To do some soul-searching requires us to examine our heart and critique what we find to make positive changes with our motives, beliefs, or actions.
This is when we’re asked what resolutions we’re doing this year. Mine are usually the same with most being broken within the first week. I get busy and because the habit hasn’t been formed, it’s easy to drop.
But this year I’m taking a different approach. Instead of me trying to make the changes that I think I should, I want to ask the Lord what He thinks I need to change, after all, He knows me better than I know myself.
So as this year progresses, I pray to grow stronger in my faith and allow the Lord to dissect and remove the undesirable fruit harboring in my heart. When there is less of us and more of Jesus, His purpose for our life is revealed as the fruit of His Spirit begins to grow.