Getting cold feet
“Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back
is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’ ”
Luke 9:62
Getting cold feet means to hesitate in doing something because one lacks confidence or courage to move forward with plans. This may have derived from a German proverb.
For some time now, I have felt the Lord laying on my heart to start a new ministry at my church. I have pushed it out of my mind several times because I feel inadequate to undertake such a large task but God has other plans so the idea keeps resurfacing. As I asked God, “Why me?”, the answer I got was, “Why not you?”
So often we hesitate to move forward when we think something will become too involved and require a lot of our time. I know I do. I’m cautious before I lunge into untested waters but sometimes, we just have to put our trust in the Lord and step out in faith.
When we fail to act when we’re called, we miss out on the opportunity the Lord has given us. I believe God has called every one of us to serve Him in a special way, we just have to have a willing spirit. In John 9:61 Jesus asked a man to follow Him but his reply was he would after he said goodbye to his family. Jesus only wants a yes from us when we’re called; no excuses or getting cold feet.
As this ministry is launched, I can trust the Lord to guide and direct us with the decisions being made to unify us and bring glory to Him. I know the Holy Spirit will enable us to accomplish His will for our church, I’m just a vessel.